December 21, 2017

Filing An Assumed Name (DBA)

When starting a new business, please register your business name with the Register of Deeds Office.  Business names are referred to as assumed names. Our office handles filings for sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations doing business under an assumed name. However, the Department of the Secretary of State oversees the incorporation of businesses. Individuals starting a new business may download the appropriate form below. After downloading the appropriate form, margins need to be set in order to meet recording standard requirements before printing. (see non-standard document section for details.)

Before filing the name certificate, we recommend performing a name search to determine if the proposed business name has already been filed. The Register of Deeds Office is unable to perform the name search for you but is happy to assist you.  The fee for recording an assumed name is $26.00. The completed form may be hand-delivered or mailed in for recording. Please visit the North Carolina Secretary of State website to download forms.